FrenchBoyfriend established in 2020,

was officially launched spring of 2021

One beautiful sunny day, I happened to go To deep cove and saw a boy in front of the restaurant.

He was busy with sweeping the front porch before the restaurant open. And then he yawned peacefully while holding the broom stick. As soon as I came back home I started to draw him right away with two faces, one smiley face and other yawning face. It was very quick and I finished the sketch in less than a minute.

When people yawn, we feel peaceful and have a blank mind.

I think we need this moment.

Not a single thought and worries but only blank mind and fresh air.

Yawning is peaceful yet a blank mind.

These two faces inspired me that one day. I will feel like after his deep sleep he will drive me in the morning around Paris which is one of most romantic cities in the world.

Fun, exciting and colorful delight.

Now my heart is beating and I feel alive again even in these dark pandemic days.


Because we all have a frenchboyfriend in our mind.


FrenchBoyfriend the Collection.